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CJS > When it comes to wound care, we’ve got you covered

When it comes to wound care, we’ve got you covered

We’ve all had some experience caring for wounds, whether it be do-it-yourself for a scrape, cut or blister, or homecare after a medical procedure. But if you or a loved one has ever had a more serious injury, you know that proper bandaging is a complicated and serious matter, best handled by professionals.

Most of us have felt the relief and appreciation when a medical expert applies fresh dressings and bandages. And the fact is, wound care is a crucial part of successful recovery after surgery, injury or illness. It should also be a priority because it leads to faster healing and less scarring.

Wound care then and now

Materials for bandaging have been used for thousands of years to help provide protection and absorption – and as a foundation for healing. The art of wound care has evolved from chants and magical lotions and potions to what is now a proven system of wound therapy.

Proper wound care can prevent infection or other problems

Paying regular attention to a wound’s dressing or bandages is critical for helping to prevent infection; wounds should be cleaned and re-dressed at least once daily. Wound care also gives health care professional the opportunity to check for other complications. In addition, they know how a properly healing wound should look, and are able to make relevant observations about healing and your overall health when they change your bandages.

Wound care — fact or fiction?

Do you think wounds should be kept uncovered for best results — or uncovered?

Research has shown that keeping wounds covered throughout the healing process is the best way to speed the process. Here’s why:

  • Wounds don’t need to be uncovered in order to “breathe”
  • Keeping wounds covered helps protect against infection
  • Keeping wounds covered helps keep them soft throughout the healing process; this helps minimize scars

Your local expert
Dr. Edward Buch is one of only two physicians in our region certified by the American Board of Wound Management, and he creates individualized care plans for each or our patients. Make an appointment today that will include expert wound care: Call 908-725-8755.

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