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CJS > Understanding Renal Artery Disease

Understanding Renal Artery Disease

Renal Artery StenosisPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) and atherosclerosis are commonly known cardiovascular disorders that involve blockage of the arteries (the blood vessels responsible for supplying oxygen-rich blood to body tissues and organs). Renal artery stenosis is a similar vascular disorder involving arterial blockage. It is less common than PAD and atherosclerosis but is equally serious.

What is renal artery stenosis?
The renal arteries supply the kidneys, a pair of organs that filter wastes in the blood, balance the body’s electrolytes, stimulate red blood cell production, and regulate blood pressure. These organs are extremely sensitive to the blood flow changes that occur in renal artery stenosis. Renal artery stenosis involving a single kidney can lead to hypertension and reduced kidney function. If both kidneys are involved, renal failure can occur. This type is commonly seen among the elderly.

What triggers renal artery stenosis?
In younger patients, thickening of the muscular walls in the arteries often leads to renal artery stenosis. In the elderly, narrowing of the arteries due to cholesterol plaque is the primary culprit.

What are the symptoms of renal artery stenosis?
The kidneys secrete the hormone renin to regulate blood pressure. Once kidney function is reduced due to less blood supply as a result of arterial blockage, blood pressure elevates. If diet and lifestyle modifications do not reduce blood pressure levels, it may be caused by renal artery stenosis.

Is there a way for me to prevent renal artery stenosis?
Like all lifestyle-related diseases, renal artery stenosis can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, consuming less highly processed foods, exercising two to three times a week, getting enough sleep, limiting alcohol intake, and quitting smoking.

Non-invasive vascular testing is an excellent diagnostic tool to detect arterial blockage like renal artery stenosis. Visit our Hillsborough office and get tested today! Call us at (908) 722-0030 to set up an appointment.

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